Aboriginal Missionary Program in Canada

Potter’s Place Mission created this program with a vision of encouraging missionary work with Aboriginal people in Canada.

This missionary training and program is a valuable opportunity for those with a heart for missionary work and includes Bible training courses, five months of accommodation, meals, language and mission-related training.

This program is a wonderful privilege and an opportunity to serve others for the glory of God.

Recruitment period 

January – February

Available places: 15 people (applications will be considered on a first come first serve basis)

Training period

April – September    * Canada entry period (for international applicants): 1st  week of April

Downtown Hastings’s ministry and training: 5 months (Vancouver)

Mission Trip: twice during the training (to a First Nation village in B.C.)

Training content

Spiritual training: daily meditation and attendance to Potter’s Place Mission services.

Bible Class: lectures using U.S.A Global University text book.

Special lecture: History and methods of First Nation missions.

Spiritual warfare and leadership.

Community training: community activities, fellowship meals, and sharing.

English training: Practical English and conversation lessons for ESL students.

Mission training: The preaching of the Gospel, Worship leading, visiting First Nations villages, etc.



PPM is accepting applications from prospective students between the ages of 20-40 who are students or graduate students of theology, church workers, pastors, or missionaries and have a vision for mission work.

Due to the nature of work and accommodation facilities only applications from single individuals or married couples without children are accepted.


How to Apply

Please fill in an application form and cover letter and send it by email to  ppmission@gmail.com

※ If you have any questions, please feel free to contact

Reverend Deborah Chien
Cell phone 1-604-537-8717
E-mail address : ppmission@gmail.com


3,500 CAD (Canadian dollars) – 5 months

Includes: accommodation, meals, tuition fees, English classes, and mission trip expenses.

* Payment can be divided into two installments (please contact us).

* The cost doesn’t include airfare to Vancouver, Canada or other personal expenses.

* Note          You can check  videos and pictures for promotion of Potter’s place Mission Ministry. Click on the Media tab